Thursday, December 4, 2008

How the financial crisis changed my mind

If I had read Snow Crash a few months ago I would mostly likely be blogging that although the scenario suggested in the book is extremely exaggerated, it does portray possibilities of what the future world might be like.  A few months ago I would have pointed out how overall, government is weakening, especially in terms of its control over financial systems.  As government in Snow Crash is nonexistent and replaced by different franchises it is obviously an extreme example.  I do not think the world would get rid of governmental systems completely, but I do think businesses and corporations are and will continue to have increasing amounts of influence over the government.  Take for instance the United State’s government.  Many political decisions are influenced my non-government forces, for instance, lobbyists, activists, and special-interests groups.  Even though that fact that these groups have so much influence in the United States government is highly criticized, it is not denied.  In addition to the government allowing these types of institutions to influence its actions the government has also allowed some institutions-- specifically financial institutions to act independently from the government.

However, I did not read Snow Crash months ago, I read it now when the government is seeing the consequences that have arisen from letting financial institutions from having such independence.  As the government realizes that the current financial crisis was caused by its own action it shows that the government plays a vital role in the public’s well being.  The public cannot be dependent on private institutions as the public is in Snow Crash.

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