Thursday, September 25, 2008

If aliens landed on the White House lawn...

First, I would like to think that aliens wouldn't be able to land on the White House lawn. If they were I think we have some really big national security issues that need to be taken care of. But if somehow they managed to do this without be shot down, then I think the government would be forced to act with extreme caution. Even though, we would want to know as much about them as we can and learn from them, we would also have to be weary of our security. I think the aliens would be questioned first before being alloweed to meet with any of our government officials.

I'm sure the President would eventually meet with them personally, but only if the aliens were determined to not be a threat. I would also think that, as we have been talking about in class, the government would look first at the situation as a self-interest opportunity. Yes, we should be scared if aliens landed on earth, but the aliens could prove to be useful trading partners, so we would not want to risk alienating them. Instead, we should caustiouslly isten to what they have to say, then decide whether to trust them or not. If anything, the United States could secure its place forever as the world superpower with the new technology and power we could gain.

1 comment:

Seamus McGregor said...

With the amount of time the president spends on vacation taken into consideration, chances he would be in danger if aliens landed on the White House lawn are quite slim.