Sunday, September 28, 2008


This week in class we talked about aliens landing on the White House lawn and we visited the State Department. As a class I think it was decided that we would need to look at the aliens intentions first and then decide whether or not they are trustworthy. If trustworthy, the U.S should use the aliens to our advantage and increase our standing in the world more than it already is and secure our place as the world's superpower. One of the more interesting points brought up in class, was the importance of what the aliens actually looked like. I hadn't thought of this when I wrote my first blog, but after class I think it is one of the most important aspects of this situation. If the aliens looked more human-like then we would probably be more likely to trust them, but if the aliens looked like the aliens we see in scary movies then we would probably shoot at them before they even stepped onto the White House lawn. I think as a country we would come together to defeat or support the aliens depending on this and other factors.

The visit to the State Department was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I was surprised how many issues they deal with and how open our speakers were while talking to us. It was also nice to talk to an American Alumnus and see that we can get our dream jobs if we work hard enough.

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