Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mama Dustin has something to say

So the Nationals lost after 14 innings of playing the Padres. So now the Nats are the 2nd worst team in the entire MLB. Seattle is still worse than the Nats so it could be worse. BUT ON A LIGHTER NOTE...the pageantry before the game was interesting. I don’t know if they planned to have us go to the game on veterans' appreciation day, but it added to the amount of patriotism and pageantry. When the line of veterans was introduced the whole stadium was cheering. Then the flags were presented and the entire stadium stopped. The lines stopped at the food stands, everyone entering the stadium froze, and the big screen displayed all the flags and the musician first class. All the electronic banners were filled with waving American flags. The pre-game was a display of nationalism and pride. The stadium was full of national pride and excitement.
Okay now onto class. Self-interest is key to every idea. Even if someone does something nice for someone else, self-interest is involved. So the only idea that could truly work close to its literal definition is liberalism. So on Friday we talked about the collapse of the modern system. That’s a downer. This event in history will probably be as bad if not worse than the Great Depression. Since most of the economy is service based, we can’t escape depression with a war like in the 1940s. So in the end, our generation is screwed. We can’t just push all this debt off for our kids like our parents and grandparents have, we will have to face this soon. But I’ll leave it at that. I’m done, and to all my children, if you don't behave i will put you in timeout.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

I feel like I'm supposed to make some sarcastic comeback to your Mariners comment, but I really am speechless. Seattle baseball sucks. You're right, mom.