Thursday, September 4, 2008

Should powerful nations help less powerful nations?

In an ideal world, yes, the more powerful countries should help the less powerful nations. But countries should be careful not to make themselves less powerful by doing so. Each government has the responsibility to take care of their own people first. They shouldn't over extend their resources or military and put their own country at risk. While I think to a certain extent powerful nations should help out, I think the decision whether to do so depends on the situation and countries involved. I also don't think powerful countries are necessarily obligated to do so. However, I think Morally they should, especially with humanitarian causes and human rights.

I think we all have an obligation to defend and promote tolerance, peace, equality, and freedom, for everyone, no matter where they were born. But besides countries helping other countries, we should push private organizations and charities to help out too. I also think it's better to have the majoriy of nations helping out, instead of placing the burden on just the world's biggest superpowers. We can all do things to help, and the responsibility of helping out poorer and less powerful nations should be a shared one.

1 comment:

Mnadler said...

Do you believe that we should provide aid when it is not requested - that is, violate the sovereignty of a state for the betterment of the people of that state? e.g., Should we (/have) intervened in Sudan?

Not trying to ask a loaded question, I'm honestly curious as to your answer.