Monday, November 10, 2008

Dustin Schnoor, Future Rich Person

This week we all witnessed history. The United States elected its first African American president. Barack Obama will become the 44th President of the United States on January. Go Team!!! Running around campus after midnight was probably the most physical activity I’ve done since I got to campus. Seeing the celebrations caused by this election made me realize how much has happen since the 1960s. Most of the people who voted in this election can still remember the civil rights movement. Within 40 years, the entire country has gone through more social change than any other time in our history. To be a witness to one of the nation’s most historic event is a privilege. This will probably be on my grandchildren’s history tests; thats creepy. But onto something more relevant to class.

Friday’s exercise confused me. I didn't get the full point of the exercise. I was surprised to see that i won the first round. Then again i did make a few back room deals (Thanks Athgor) but I was still surprised by the amount of candy I got. I basically sat in my sit and watched deals go around me. I even asked in the beginning if I could invest my chips. I didn't want to spend my chips, I wanted to save them up and get candy later when i wanted it more. The second round, I didn't get why we divided into groups. If the point was to show that we would make deals with those around us it worked only because we thought we had to go through the round as a team. My team tried to get a monopoly but due to inefficiencies in the system we had a ton of extra chips and no Kit-Kats! Anyway, the activity was fun and I enjoyed it even though I didn't understand the point.

1 comment:

Seamus McGregor said...

While the activity wasn't an accurate portrayal of the current market structure, it does illustrate the wide array of strategies and motivations behind economic activity. We both accumulated as much candy wealth as we could, but used different strategies. I worked by myself, gaining as much caramels as possible. You worked with others, aquiring a wide array of candy with greater variety than myself. While the activity illustrated the economy from the era of the gold standard, it did teach a few economic-related themes to the class.