Sunday, October 12, 2008


So it is Sunday night and I am not yet done with my paper. I also have a midterm in Comparative Politics tommorrow morning that I feel like I have been studying for forever. Because of this I am not going to spend a long time on this reflection. In fact I am going to write my reflection about how stressed I am this week.

Since I've been here I have felt kind of lost. I did well in high school, had no problems motivating myself to study, and usually felt like I at least understood what the teacher was talking about. However, here, and especially in my comparative politics class, I have felt dumber than I ever have before. I think a lot of it is the change in schedule, homesickness, and wanting to socialize more than wanting to study since there are so many people I don't know here, unlike in high school. But with the realization earlier this week that I am actually going to have midterms, I have started to get back into a schedule like I had in high school, which includes actually sleeping. (something I haven't really been doing since I've been here, as most of the people in the UC could vouch for) I also started studying, something I wish I would have started a lot sooner as I look at all the notes about civil society, political theories, legitimacy, etc., that I am trying to cram into my brain tommorrow for the four essays I have to write in an hour and fifteen minutes.

Overall, I guess It is good that I have realized my mistakes and am now trying to fix them, although I wish I wouldn't have made them in the first place. Now I only hope I can get a decent grade on my midterm and the paper, which I only have four hours to finish tommorrow.

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